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Part 4 -Monster Drop List Luna Plus

Sunday, 11 November 2012

Nera Harbor - Luna Plus

Snowstorm Owner - Lv 96
HP Potion, MP Potion, Magnum Blade, St. Tears, Demon Slasher, Enchant Armor Scroll, Legendium Essence, Opal, Rough Diamond

Frost Master - Lv 96
HP Potion, MP Potion, Titan Blade, Magnum Mace, Battle Axe of the Moon, Accessory Enchant Scroll, Legendium Ingot, Durelin, Harmel

Bloody Queen - Lv 97
HP Potion, MP Potion, Titan Blade, Mace Magnum, the moon's Battle Axe, Weapon Enchant Scroll, Legendium Cloth, Argentum, Rough Diamonds

Ice Heart’s Owner - Lv 99
HP Potion, MP Potion, the spirit of restorative, Accessories - Ring # 21, Accessories - Necklace # 21, Accessories - Earrings # 21, Enchant Armor Scroll, Legendium Leather, Fairy Wing wings, Harmel

Blue Beard Pirate - Lv 100
HP Potion of Mystery, MP Potion of Mystery, Advanced Knife, Accessories - Necklace # 21, Accessories - Earrings # 21, Accessories Enchant Scroll, Legendium Cloth, Harmel

Arch Slime - Lv 100
Major MP Potion, the spirit of restorative, Greater Blessing Potion, Scroll Enchant Weapon, Enchant Armor Scroll, Smaller Smaller Capsule, Recall of the West - Lv 80

Blue Beard Pirate - Lv 101
HP Potion of Mystery, MP Potion of Mystery, Sword of Steno, Rose Guard, Titan Fist, Chaos Crier, Weapon Enchant Scroll, Legendium Leather, Aquamarine, Moonlight Crystal

Blue Beard Pirate - Lv 104
HP Potion of Mystery, MP Potion of Mystery, Aias Shield, Accessories - Ring # 22, Accessories - Necklace # 22, Accessories - Earrings # 22, Enchant Armor Scroll, Legendium Essence, Fairy Wing Feather, Moonstone

Lag Sparrow - Lv 105
HP Potion of Mystery, MP Potion of Mystery, Cutlass, Accessories - Necklace # 23, Accessories - Earrings # 23, Accessories Enchant Scroll, Legendium Leather, Mana Stone, Moonlight Crystal

Blackbeard Morgan - Lv 105
HP Potion of Mystery, MP Potion of Mystery, Muramasa, Death Mask, Accessories - Necklace # 23, Accessories - Earrings # 23, Weapon Enchant Scroll, Legendium Essence of life, Lifestone, Harmel

One Eyed Wookies - Lv 110
HP Potion of Blessing, MP Potion of Blessing, Kynee, Onyx Edge, Accessories - Necklace # 24, Accessories - Earrings # 24, Enchant Armor Scroll, Crusium Cloth, Durelin, Rough Diamonds


Vampire Bat - Lv 108
HP Potion of Mystery, MP Potion of Mystery, Wand of the Ancient Wizard, Meteor Crossbow, Dark Blade, Accessories Enchant Scroll, Crusium Leather, Life Stone, Rough Diamonds

Scorpion Brood - Lv 110
HP Potion of Blessing, MP Potion of Blessing, Onyx Edge, Accessories - Necklace # 24, Accessories - Earrings # 24, Enchant Armor Scroll, Crusium Ingot, Argentum Moonlight Crystal

Arch Slime - Lv 110
Mana Energy Restortaive, HP Energy Restorative, MP Potion of the Spirit, MP Potion of Mystery, Nostrum Case, Scroll Enchant Weapon, Enchant Armor Scroll, Grow Up Grow Up Capsule, Recall of the West - Lv 100

Kind Dementor - Lv 111
HP Potion of Blessing, MP Potion of Blessing, Necklace of the Living Dead, Death Maker, The Warlord, Genocide, Enchant Armor Scroll, Crusium Essence, Wind Crystal

Wild Dementor - Lvl 112
HP Potion of Blessing, MP Potion of Blessing, Necklace of the Living Dead, Dragon Slayer, Dragon Slayer, Dominator, Enchant Armor Scroll, Crusium Leather, Stone Heart, Moonstone

Deformedly Flot - Lv 113 
HP Potion of Blessing, MP Potion of Blessing, Hell Summoner, Dragon Dusk, Dragon Fang, Weapon Enchant Scroll, Crusium Cloth, Stone of Spirit,

Flaccid Footman - Lv 114
HP Potion of Blessing, MP Potion of Blessing, Necklace of the Living Dead, Accessories - Ring # 24, Accessories - Necklace # 24, Accessories - Earrings # 24, Accessory Enchant Scroll, Crusium Ingot, Opal, Moonlight Crystal

Skeleton Conjurer - Lv 115 
HP Potion of Blessing, MP Potion of Blessing, Onyx Edge, Accessories - Necklace # 27, Accessories - Earrings # 27, Weapon Enchant Scroll, Crusium Essence, Oricalchum Moonlight Crystal

Tombstone - Lv 116
HP Potion of Blessing, MP Potion of Blessing, Hathor's Ring, Durandal, Bayharam, Kaidenberg, Weapon Enchant Scroll, Crusium Leather, Lithion

Trentree - Lv 116
HP Potion of Blessing, MP Potion of Blessing, Durandal, Bayharam, Kaidenberg, Accessory Enchant Scroll, Crusium Essence, Thunder Crystal, Harmel

Nightmare - Lv 117
HP Potion of Blessing, MP Potion of Blessing, Taram Hor, Parkram, Enchant Armor Scroll, Crusium Leather, Fairy Wing, Harmel

Mummy - Lv 118
HP Potion of Blessing, MP Potion of Blessing, Hathor's Ring, Youkeinen’s Bow, Accessory Enchant Scroll, Crusium Cloth, Lifestone, Harmel

Werewolf - Lv 118
HP Potion of Blessing, MP Potion of Blessing, Youkeinsen’s Bow, Enchant Armor Scroll, Crusium Leather, of spirit stones, Rough Diamonds

Fighter in the Wind - Lv 119
HP Potion of Blessing, MP Potion of Blessing, Legend: Heartstone of Evil, Accessories - Ring # 25, Accessories - Necklace # 25, Accessories - Earrings # 25, Accessory Enchant Scroll, Crusium Cloth, Opal, Rough Diamond

Ghost Esquire - Lv 119
HP Potion of Blessing, MP Potion of Blessing, Seckmet's Ring, Accessories - Ring # 25, Accessories - Necklace # 25, Accessories - Earrings # 25, Weapon Enchant Scroll, Crusium Leather, Aquamarine, Moonlight Crystal

Ghost Knight - Lv 120
HP Energy Restorative, MP Energy Restorative, Seckmet's Ring, Accessories - Necklace # 26, Accessories - Earrings # 26, Accessories Enchant Scroll, Crusium Cloth, Moonstone

Huge Mummy - Lv 122
HP Energy Restorative, MP Energy Restorative, Legend: Heart Stone Of Evil, Hathor’s Ring, Enchant Weapon Scroll, Sketch: Faust's Smart Boots, HQ Thunder Crystal, Water Seed, Random Box

Austere Grand Master - Lv 123
HP Energy Restorative, MP Energy Restorative, Legend: Lower of Goddess Skirt, Sekmet's Ring, Euryale's Bow, Enchant Armor Scroll, Sketch: Holy Iron Chain Knight's Plate Armor, HQ Fairy Wing, Water Seed, Random Box

Sahel Zone

Ant - Level 101 
HP Potion of Mystery, MP Potion of Mystery, Rose Guard, Titan Fist, Chaos Crier, Weapon Enchant Scroll, Legendium Ingot, Orichalchum, Rough Diamonds

Worker Ant - Level 101
HP Potion of Mystery, MP Potion of Mystery, Rose Guard, Titan Fist, Chaos Crier, Enchant Armor scrolls, Legendium Cloth, moonstone

Soldier Ant - Level 102
HP Potion of Mystery, MP Potion of Mystery, Requiem, Blade, Doom Screamer, Blood Seeker, Accessories Enchant Scroll, Legendium Leather, Durelin, Harmel

Desert Wolf - Level 102
HP Potion of Mystery, MP Potion of Mystery, Requiem, Blade, Doom Screamer, Blood Seeker, Weapon Enchant Scroll, Legendium essence, Argentum, Rough Diamonds

Hyena - Level 103
HP Potion of Mystery, MP Potion of Mystery, Wisdom Genesis, Genocide, Hurricane Stinger, Blind Snake, Enchant Armor scrolls, Legendium Cloth, Thunder Crystal, Harmel

Desert Warrior - Level 103
HP Potion of Mystery, MP Potion of Mystery, Wisdom Genesis, Genocide, Hurricane Stinger, Blind Snake, Accessories Enchant Scroll, Legendium Ingot, Wind Crystal, Rough Diamonds

Desert Archer - Level 104
HP Potion of Mystery, MP Potion of Mystery, Accessories - Ring # 22, Accessories - Necklace # 22, Accessories - Earrings # 22, Weapon Enchant Scroll, Legendium Ingot, Fairy Wing wings, Harmel

Desert Thief - Level 104
HP Potion of Mystery, MP Potion of Mystery, Accessories - Ring # 22, Accessories - Necklace # 22, Accessories - Earrings # 22, Enchant Armor scrolls, Legendium Cloth, Stone Heart, Rough Diamonds

Arch Slime - Level 105
MP Potion of Mystery, MP Potion of Blessing, Large Elixir, jump boxes, Enchant Armor scrolls Accessories Enchant Scroll, lacquer, Grow Up Grow Up Capsule, Nostrum Case, Recall of the West – 100

Dusty Bear - Level 106
HP Potion of Mystery, MP Potion of Mystery, Pagan Hell, Light of Doom, Doom Bringer, Enchant Armor scrolls, Crusium Ingot, Thunder Crystal, Rough Diamonds

Scorpioid Tarantula - Level 106
HP Potion of Mystery, MP Potion of Mystery, Pagan Hell, Light of Doom, Doom Bringer, Accessories Enchant Scroll, Crusium Cloth, Moonlight Crystal


‘Desert‘ Boss - Level 105
HP Potion of Mystery, MP Potion of Mystery, Accessories - Necklace # 23, Accessories - Earrings # 23, Accessories Enchant Scroll, Legendium Ingot, Aquamarine, Rough Diamond

‘ ‘ Bear Boss - Level 105
HP Potion of Mystery, MP Potion of Mystery, Accessories - Necklace # 23, Accessories - Earrings # 23, Weapon Enchant Scroll, Legendium Cloth Piece, Sapphire, Moonlight Crystal

Mirage in Parasus

Chameleon - Level 107 
HP Potion of Mystery, MP Potion of Mystery, Hell Scream, The Rage, Master Commanders Axe, Weapon Enchant Scroll, Crusium Essence, Fairy Wing, Rough Diamonds

Horned Lizard - Level 107 
HP Potion of Mystery, MP Potion of Mystery, Hell Scream, The Rage, Master Commanders Axe, Armor Enchant Scroll, Crusium Leather, Heart Stone, Moonstone

Tree Lizard - Level 108
HP Potion of Mystery, MP Potion of Mystery, Wand of the Ancient Wizard, Meteor Crossbow, Dark Blade, Accessories Enchant Scroll, Crusium Essence

Cactus - Level 108
HP Potion of Mystery, MP Potion of Mystery, Wand of the Ancient Wizard, Meteor Crossbow, Dark Blade, Weapon Enchant Scroll, Crusium Ingot, Ruby, Harmel

Hedgehog - Level 109
HP Potion of Mystery, MP Potion of Mystery, Accessories - Ring # 23, Accessories - Necklace # 23, Accessories - Earrings # 23, Enchant Armor Scroll, Crusium Leather, Oricalchum, Moonlight Crystal

Buzzard - Level 109
HP Potion of Mystery, MP Potion of Mystery, Accessories - Ring # 23, Accessories - Necklace # 23, Accessories - Earrings # 23, Accessories Enchant Scroll, Crusium Leather, Moonstone, Harmel

Bloodskin Goblin Archer - Level 110
HP Potion of Blessing, MP Potion of Blessing, Onyx Edge, Accessories - Necklace # 24, Accessories - Earrings # 24, Weapon Enchant Scroll, Crusium Cloth, Harmel

Bloodskin Goblin Sythist - Level 110
HP Potion of Blessing, MP Potion of Blessing, Onyx Edge, Accessories - Necklace # 24, Accessories - Earrings # 24, Enchant Armor Scroll, Crusium Leather, Rough Diamonds

Arch Slime - Level 110
MP Potion of Mystery, MP Potion of Blessing, Large Elixir, Accessories Enchant Scroll, Enchant Weapon Scroll, Smaller Smaller Capsule, Nostrum Case, Recall of the West - Lv 120

Bloodskin Goblin Brute - Level 111
HP Potion of Blessing, MP Potion of Blessing, Deathmaker, a Warlord, Genocide, Accessory Enchant Scroll, Crusium Ingot, Fairy Wing Feather, Harmel

Bloodskin Goblin Wizard - Level 111
HP Potion of Blessing, MP Potion of Blessing, Death maker, a Warlord, Genocide, Weapon Enchant Scroll, Crusium Cloth Piece, Fairy Wing, Rough Diamonds

Bloodskin Goblin Soldier - Level 112
HP Potion of Blessing, MP Potion of Blessing, Dragon Slayer, Dragon Slayer, Dominator, Enchant Armor Scroll, Crusium Essence, Mana Stone, Harmel

Bloodskin Goblin Warrior - Level 112
HP Potion of Blessing, MP Potion of Blessing, Dragon Slayer, Dragon Dusk, Dominator, Accessory Enchant Scroll, Crusium Ingot, Lifestone, Rough Diamond

Bloodskin Elite - Level 113
HP Potion of Blessing, MP Potion of Blessing, Hell Summoner, Dragon Dusk, Dragon Fang, Weapon Enchant Scroll, Crusium Leather, Ruby, Harmel

Bloodskin Gladiator - Level 113
HP Potion of Blessing, MP Potion of Blessing, Hell Summoner, Dragon Dusk, Dragon Fang, Enchant Armor Scroll, Crusium Essence, Emerald, Rough Diamond

Ruins of Ancient Elpus

Native Minion - Level 100 

Angry Puffer - Level 114 
HP Potion of Blessing, MP Potion of Blessing, Accessories - Ring # 25, Accessories - Necklace # 25, Accessories - Earrings # 25, Accessory Enchant Scroll, Crusium Cloth, Aquamarine, Harmel

Surprised Puffer - Level 114 
HP Potion of Blessing, MP Potion of Blessing, Accessories - Ring # 26, Accessories - Necklace # 26, Accessories - Earrings # 26, Weapon Enchant Scroll, Crusium Leather, Sapphire, Rough Diamond

Native Clubber - Level 115
HP Potion of Blessing, MP Potion of Blessing, onyx edge, Accessories - Necklace # 28, Accessories - Earrings # 28, Enchant Armor scrolls, Crusium Ingot, Moonstone, Harmel

Native Dart Blower - Level 115
HP Potion of Blessing, MP Potion of Blessing, Onyx Edge, Accessories - Necklace # 29, Accessories - Earrings # 29, Accessory Enchant Scroll, Crusium Cloth, Durelin, Rough Diamonds

Native Shaman - Level 116
HP Potion of Blessing, MP Potion of Blessing, Durandal, Bayharam, Kaidenberg, Weapon Enchant Scroll, Crusium Ingot, Wind Crystal, Rough Diamonds

Native Chief - Level 116
HP Potion of Blessing, MP Potion of Blessing, Durandal, Bayharam, Kaidenberg, Enchant Armor scrolls, Crusium Cloth Piece, Fairy Wing, Moonstone

Mousie Miner - Level 117
HP Potion of Blessing, MP Potion of Blessing, Arondight, Taramhor, Parkram, Accessory Enchant Scroll, Crusium Essence, Heart of Stone, Rough Diamonds

Mousie Digger - Level 117
HP Potion of Blessing, MP Potion of Blessing, Arondight, Taramhor, Parkram, Weapon Enchant Scroll, Crusium Ingot, Mana Stone Moonlight Crystal,

Arch Slime - Level 120
Mana's mystical restorative, MP Potion of Blessing, Large Elixir, Enchant Armor Scrolls, Accessories Enchant Scroll, Grow Up Grow Up Capsule, Monster of Interger - 120

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