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Luna Plus / Luna Online SNIPER JOB guide

Sunday, 11 November 2012


hye all....this is the 3rd guide maybe...im going to cr8 guides for all rogue jobs...
Since this job is just a "For u to enjoy" job,this job isnt suitable to be ur main char..
1.Because it needs many money (a little maybe..but economy seems bad at the moment..)
2.Because many ppl quitted their sniper chars..(Bored)

so here is the path that u should follow:
Rogue (lvl 1-19)
Voyager (lvl 20-39)
Archer (lvl 40-74)
Rune Walker(Elves Only) (lvl 75-104)
Sniper (lvl 105-125)

The skills that i suggest u to take is: (NOTE:u will be a bow type hero at lvl 1-104)
Rogue lvl 1-19
Voyager lvl 20-39
Archer lvl 40-74
Rune Walker lvl 75-104
Arch Ranger lvl 105-125

The skills that u must take on the job paths is:
Rouge (lvl 1-19)
Active Skills:
max Power Shot (lvl 5)

Buffs and self buffs:
max Zephyr (lvl 1)

max Blindside (lvl 1)
max Death Sign (lvl 1)
max Eagle Eye (lvl 2)
max Light Evasion (lvl 2)
max Bow Training (lvl 5)
max Long Shot (lvl 1)

(U can max all this at lvl 18)

Voyager lvl 20-39
Active skills:
max Power Shot (lvl 10) <~ur main skill until lvl 75

Buffs and Self buffs:
max Zephyr (lvl 2)
max Fatal Touch (lvl 2)

max Light Evasion (lvl 4)
max Death Sign (lvl 2)
max Eagle Eye (lvl 4)
max Bow Training (lvl 10)
max Long Shot (lvl 2)

(U can max this at lvl 36)

Archer lvl 40-74
Active Skills:
max Power Shot>Double Shot (lvl 5 Double Shot/lvl 15 Power Shot)

Buffs and Self Buffs:
max Zephyr (lvl 4)
max Fatal Touch (lvl 4)

max Light Evasion (lvl 6)
max Long Shot (lvl 5)
max Death Sign (lvl 4)
max Eagle Eye (lvl 6)
max Bow Training (lvl 15)

(U can max this all around lvl 54)

Rune Walker lvl 75-104
Active Skills:
(Remain Double Shot at lvl 5/lvl 15 Power Shot)
max Fire Arrow (lvl 10)
max Illusion Attack (lvl 20)
max Casting Foil (lvl 2)

Buffs and Self Buffs:
max Zephyr (lvl 5)
max Side Step (lvl 6)
max Whispering Wind (lvl 6)
max Whispering Fire (lvl 6)
max Whispering Stream (lvl 2)
max Detect Hole (lvl 4)

max Blindside (lvl 5)
max Death Sign (lvl 5)
max Eagle Eye (lvl 7)
max Light Evasion (lvl 7)
max Bow Training (lvl 15)

(U can max this at around lvl 96)
(Make Sure u already have lvl 105 musket b4 u reach lvl 105...i suggest u buy it with 1 puke coz crafting it is almost impossible...[if u have limited money/materials],coz making the molds succes rate only 30%,and the succes rate to craft the musket itself is around 50-60%[i dont remember coz i never crafted my gun b4..i just buy it with 1 puke)

(Use Skill reset Scroll)
Attack Skills:
max Standing Shot (lvl 5) [just a normal shooting skill (ur main attack)]
max Kneeling Fire (lvl 5) [a damaging skill that decreases the target's movement speed(single target)]
max Proximity Fire (lvl 5) [a single target skill that stuns the enemy]
max Flash Fire (lvl 5) [a single target skill that stuns the enemy]
max Wild Shot (lvl 5) [ur one and only AoE skill)
max Illusion Attack (lvl 20)

Buffs and Self Buffs:
max Zephyr (lvl 8)
max Side Step (lvl 6)
max Whispering Wind (lvl 6)
max Whispering Fire (lvl 6)
max Whispering Stream (lvl 6)
max Fatal Touch (lvl 8)
max Detect hole (lvl 4)
max Fast Reload (lvl 4)

max Death Sign (lvl 8)
max Eagle Eye (lvl 10)
max Light Evasion (lvl 10)
max Blindside (lvl 5)
max Musket Training (lvl 5) [Inreases phy.attack when using gunz]
max Musket Range (lvl 2) [Inreases Range when using gunz]
max Telescopic Musket Scope (lvl 2) [increases range when using gunz]

Surprisingly,all the sniper skills only need 1425 SP to max...so that means u have many SP left when u reach lvl 125,feel free to use those free SP's

The Place to lvling:
lvl 1-20-gate of alker,zakandia outpost
lvl 20-40-Tarintus,Moonblind forest,moonblind swamp
lvl 40-60-red orc outpost,howling ravine,howling cave 1f
lvl 60-80-howling cave 1f and 2f is enough to grind u until lvl 87,beleive me
lvl 85-90-ghost tree swamp,go 7 o'clock direction,ull find the lvl 9x mobs
lvl 90-95=same place like above..
lvl 95-100-same place like above,nera harbor
lvl 100-110-nera harbor,graveyard of the knight of nera
lvl 110-120=graveyards of the knights of nera
lvl 120-125-graveyards of the knights of nera

The equs i suggest u is:

Gardener's Leather Armor-reinforce with VIT(Opal) and philo in STR/eva..at least 15 STR/9 eva wud be enough
Gardener's Leather Glove-reinforce with STR(Ruby) and philo in STR/eva also..at least 15 STR/ 9eva wud be enough
Gardener's Leather Boots-reinforce with DEX(Emerald) or VIT(Opal) and philo also in STR/eva..at least 15 STR or 9 eva is enough..
(i dont recommend u to buy Vestige coz many ppl will think if they cant buy vestige,they cant follow this path..so G set is the best)

Musket L31 (lvl 105 musket),reinfore it with litheon(Critical Rate) and philo it with at least 9 strike / 9 eva

Eros Belt
1 hathor+1 sekhmet/2 Hathors(u get the same effect of using 1 hathor+1 sekhmet,and with 2 hathors,u wont get any -20 VIT from sekhmet)
Necklace of the living body(philo in eva...at least 9 eva)
Castor + Gemini(dont worry if u dont have this...)

Chibi Goth Set (5/5 or 4/5 + KOD)
Pj set (5/5 or 4/5 + KOD)
Jack oh lantern
any glasses of passion


any costume that +15 max hp,mp and movement speed,
Chibi Gloves(or any glove that +5 STR)
Shini shoes(or any shoes that +5 STR)
King of Darkness Cloack
Jack oh Lantern
any glasses of passion


Black Widow Leader(if u cant obtain this...i suggest u use chibi set or the mixed set i suggested..)
King of Darkness Cloack
Jack oh Lantern
any glasses of passion

You maybe wondering about gun-based attacks..most ppl think that gun attacks will never miss..but actually..gun-based attacks can miss the opponent...

Some ppl may think that sniper job is fun..like me..but after awhile..i got bored using sniper..my Arch Ranger is more fun than my sniper....

Job Change NPC's:
Voyager-Tierre (Rogue Union)-Alker Harbor
Archer-Tierre (Rogue Union)-Alker Harbor
Rune Walker-Andorna (Hunter Union)-Moon Blind Swamp
Sniper-Cindamook (Sage)-Naila Village

At the jobs u take,u will have a passive increase of status,which can only be observed in the Character Status window...:
Critical Damage:0
Mp Regen:2
Attack Speed:1%

Critical Damage:0
Mp Regen:2
Attack Speed:3%

Rune Walker:
Critical Damage:1%
Mp Regen:6
Attack Speed:3%

Attack: 1%
Critical Damage: 1%
Evasion: 3
Mp Regen: 12
Attack Speed: 10

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