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Luna Plus / Luna Online ENTRAPPER JOB guide

Sunday, 11 November 2012


Hye all...one more guide...and then all rogue jobs has their own guides
this is an entrapper guide,its good to make ur main char since u can hunt rare items easily w/o even needing to be in a party,and u can enjoy the loot urself

The Path i suggest u to take is:
Rogue (Elf)-level 1-19
Ruffian-level 20-39
Archer-level 40-74
Rune Walker (Elves only)-level 75-104
Entrapper-level 105-125

The skills that u must take is..
Rogue lvl 1-19
Active skills:
max Dusk Slashing (lvl 5)

max Zephyr (lvl 1)

max Blindside' (lvl 1)
max Death sign (lvl 1)
max Light evasion (lvl 2)
max Dagger Training (lvl 5)

(U can max all this at lvl 16)

Ruffian lvl 20-39
Active skills:
max Dusk Slashing (lvl 10)
max Wind Breaking (lvl 5)

Buffs and self buffs:
max Zephyr (lvl 2)
max Detect hole (lvl 2)

max Blindside'(lvl 2)
max Light evasion (lvl 4)
max Dagger Training (lvl 10)
max Diabolic Instinct (lvl 2)
max Shadow Instinct (lvl 2)

(u can max this at lvl 36)

Archer lvl 40-74
Active Skills:
u gain no active skills or higher level active skills at this job...

Buffs and Self Buffs:
max Zephyr (lvl 4)
max Fatal Touch (lvl 4)

max Death Sign (lvl 4)
max Light Evasion (lvl 6)

(u can max this at lvl 44)

Rune Walker lvl 75-104
Active Skills:
learn Dusk Slashing>Rapid Slashing (lvl 5[lvl 15 Dusk Slashing]) note:dont max it first
max Illusion Attack (lvl 20)
max Rage Step (lvl 15)
max Casting Foil (lvl 2)

Buffs and self buffs:
max Zephyr (lvl 5)
max Side Step (lvl 6)
max Whispering Wind (lvl 6)
max Whispering Fire (lvl 6)
max Whispering Stream (lvl 2)
max Detect Hole (lvl 4)

max Blindside (lvl 5)
max Death Sign (lvl 5)
max Light Evasion (lvl 7)
max Dagger Training (lvl 15)
max Shadow Instinct (lvl 4)
max Diabolic Instinct (lvl 4)

(U can max this around lvl 96[i cant remember this now...])

Entrapper lvl 105-125
u dont need to reskill,just stick with ur current skills..anyways,why u need to reset ur skill fore? o.o

Active Skills:
remain Rapid Slashing at lvl 5 (lvl 15 Dusk Slasing)
remain Wind Breaking at lvl 5
max Catch Pounding (lvl 5)
max Hunter Blast (lvl 20)
max Hunter Smoke (lvl 10)
learn Shield Boomerang (lvl 9)
u cant max any of ur other skill if u increase it to lvl 10..@_@

Buffs and self buffs:
max Zephyr (lvl 8)
max Detect Hole (lvl 8)
max Extortion (lvl 4)

max Blindside (lvl 8)
max Light Evasion (lvl 10)
max Dagger Training (lvl 25)
max Shadow Instinct (lvl 7)
max Diabolic Instinct (lvl 7)

(u can max this at lvl 125,with only a total of 5 SP's left)
since SP is limited,i suggest u max aoe skills first and passives second...

The Place to lvling:
lvl 1-20-gate of alker,zakandia outpost
lvl 20-40-Tarintus,Moonblind forest,moonblind swamp
lvl 40-60-red orc outpost,howling ravine,howling cave 1f
lvl 60-80-howling cave 1f and 2f is enough to grind u until lvl 87,beleive me
lvl 85-90-ghost tree swamp,go 7 o'clock direction,ull find the lvl 9x mobs
lvl 90-95=same place like above..
lvl 95-100-same place like above,nera harbor
lvl 100-110-nera harbor,graveyard of the knight of nera
lvl 110-120=graveyards of the knights of nera
lvl 120-125-graveyards of the knights of nera

The equs i suggest u is:

Gardener's Leather Armor-reinforce with VIT(Opal) and philo in STR/eva..at least 15 STR/9 eva wud be enough
Gardener's Leather Glove-reinforce with STR(Ruby) and philo in STR/eva also..at least 15 STR/ 9eva wud be enough
Gardener's Leather Boots-reinforce with DEX(Emerald) or VIT(Opal) and philo also in STR/eva..at least 15 STR or 9 eva is enough..
(i dont recommend u to buy Vestige coz many ppl will think if they cant buy vestige,they cant follow this path..so G set is the best)

Advanced Knife,or crafted lvl 105 dagger,reinforce it wih orihalcum(phy.attack)and philo it to get at least 9 eva or 9 str...
Aias Shield (u can get this from blue beard captain i think...)
Eros Belt
1 hathor+1 sekhmet/2 Hathors(u get the same effect of using 1 hathor+1 sekhmet,and with 2 hathors,u wont get any -20 VIT from sekhmet)
Necklace of the living body(philo in eva or STR...at least 15 STR/9 eva)
Castor + Gemini(dont worry if u dont have this...)

Chibi Goth Set (5/5 or 4/5 + KOD)
Pj set (5/5 or 4/5 + KOD)
Jack oh lantern
any glasses of passion


any costume that +15 max hp,mp and movement speed,
Chibi Gloves(or any glove that +5 STR)
Shini shoes(or any shoes that +5 STR)
King of Darkness Cloack
Jack oh Lantern
any glasses of passion


Black Widow Leader(if u cant obtain this...i suggest u use chibi set or the mixed set i suggested..)
King of Darkness Cloack
Jack oh Lantern
any glasses of passion

Job Change NPC's
Ruffian-Tierre(Rogue Union at Alker Harbor)
Archer-Tierre(Rogue Union at Alker Harbor)
Rune Walker-Andorna(Hunter Union at Moon Blind Swamp)
Entrapper-Cindamook(Sage at Naila Village)

This path offers huge evasion because:
1.as u see the job effect...u get 18 extra eva at entrapper job..
2.entrappers dont have dual wield (no eva penalty)
3.this path is for elves,at rune walker job,u get side step buff(increases eva)
4.of coz also becoz of light evasion passive

But this path dont have good damage output unlike TM's and BT's,but u have high DoT damage,and u can really hunt items easily...and u can also win almost all battles since u can stun lock ur opponent..
u can learn stealth,but i recommend using kynee....

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