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Luna Online / Luna Plus Pet Guide

Saturday, 10 November 2012


How to Get a Pet In Luna Plus or Luna Online

To get your Luna Online pet you have to be level 25 or higher. This will allow you to get a quest from everyone's favourite NPC, Farouk (found in Alker Harbor). As usual Farouk's main concern in life is floating stones and so naturally, the quest to get your pet revolves around them too.

Quest Guide

1. Once you've recieved the quest you'll need to make your way to Red Orc Outpost to find an NPC. In typical Luna style, you'll get an item from him that you'll need to return to Farouk who, ever grateful will reward you with a Crystal of Floating Stone.

2. Double clicking the crystal of floating stone that is now in your inventory will magically tansform it into your very own Luna online pet!
TIP :If you don't have any transfer scrolls and have to walk, pick up a return scroll from the merchant npc in moonblind forest. After visiting red orc outpost make a trip to nera castle town for pet supplies so you don't have to go back again once you get your pet.

What Pet Type Will I GET?

You'll have randomly been given one of five fruity floating blobs to cherish and care for of your very own. Although they look different, they all perform in exactly the same way. Your pet will also have been given anywhere between one and three skill slots, the number of which is also random.
TIP: You can Unlock Slot 4 and 5 when your Pet Grow.

Know Your Pet

After you successfully summon your pets. You can Press "P" On your Keyboard to open up your pet window. there you can see all the various stats and settings for your pet, this is also where you can add and remove skills and change your pet's AI setting.

 the A.I setting

This basically tells your pet how to react in battle situations, to make him or her as useful to you as possible. Here are the three options with a little explanation.

    Your pet will only attack a monster after you've already started attacking.
    Your pet will attack any monster that comes close to you or gives you a dirty look :P
    Choosing this setting will command your pet to wait in one place until you seal it or change the AI setting.

Some Useful Information

You'll notice in the pet information window ("P" on your keyboard) a statistic called "Bond". This is essentially your pets hunger rating and will decrease by 30 points for every hour you play with your pet by your side. With a bond of 100 your pet is completely satisfied, when it drops below 70, you'll notice a reduction in damage output and, should it reach zero your pet is DEAD

 Petfood (which increases Bond by 30 points per piece) is available from NPC Serie in Nera Castle Town, but it's going to cost a massive  gold per item to keep your pet well fed! If your pet's bond has reached zero, you can revive it with a pet revival scroll (also avaible from Serie in Nera) and this'll revive your Pet's life Back.
TIP: If you're strapped for cash one of the easiest ways to save money is to keep your pet sealed as much as possible and only summon it for your exp grinds. You can do this by double clicking the pet icon in your inventory (your pet won't get hungry if it's sealed).

Pets Combat And Leveling

While your pet is summoned it will recieve 1% experience for every monster you kill, provided that the monster is in your level range. Going to the gate of alker for some quick and easy kills won't generate any experience for your pet at all! Also note that your pet will not leech any of your exp, which is pretty darn awesome
As your pet gains levels it will also be able to equip armor, costumes and learn skills! Any pet can learn any of the skills available (visit Serie again in Nera to buy skills from her) as long as they meet the level requirement. The key levels to make a note of are 10, 30 & 40, where more skills become available.

Tips: Dont forget to set your pets build and A.I to best fit your class and situation. For example if you play as a bow rogue by setting your pet to hit first, and teaching it the attract circle skill, you can use him as a tank to soak up damage while you attack from afar.
At various stages in your pets life it will be able to evolve and become stronger. At present these three stages of evolution occur at levels 20, 50 and 80. Evolution for your pet is kind of similar to how players are able to advance their jobs. There are three stat paths available to your pet; Attack, Support & magic. Attack stats your pet as a damage dealer, support pumps HP and vit, while magic improves the damage of your pet's magic skills. You can evolve your pet by, once again, visiting Serie and buying the corresponding evolution capsule for the path of your choice. So Choose Wisely!

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