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Part 1 -Monster Drop List Luna Plus

Sunday, 11 November 2012


Slime – Lvl 1
Small Physical Strength HP Potion, Small MP Potion, Spiked Club, Hatchet, Accessories Enchant Scroll, Copper Ingots, Ruby, Harmel

Fungas Pawn – Lvl 2
Small Physical Strength HP Potion, Small MP Potion, Wooden Hammer, Accessories Enchant Scroll, Copper Ingots, Life Stone

Ghost Flower – Lvl 3
Small Physical Strength HP Potion, Small Restorative MP Potion, Oak Staff, Short Bow, Daggers, Armor Enchant Scroll, Stone of Spirit, Harmel

Fungus Rook – Lvl 4
Small Physical Strength HP Potion, Small MP Potion, rings, necklaces, earrings, Accessories Enchant Scroll, Magic Powder, Ruby, Rough Diamond

Red Turtle – Lvl 5
Small Physical Strength HP Potion, Small MP Potion, Weapon Enchant Scroll, Emerald, Moonlight Crystal

Arch Slime – Lvl 5
Minor Mana restorative, Potion of Minor Blessing, Nostrum Case, Scroll Enchant Weapon, Enchant Armor Scroll, Grow Up Grow Up Capsule, Recall of the West - Lv 20

Crying Flower – Lvl 6
Small Physical Strength HP Potion, Small MP Potion, Long Sword, Mace, Tomahawk, Weapon Enchant Scroll, Copper Ingots, Opal, Harmel

King Slime – Lvl 7
Small Physical Strength HP Potion, Small MP Potion, Brandish, Heavy Mace, Enchant Armor Scroll, Aquamarine, Rough Diamond

Fungus Knight – Lvl 8
Small Physical Strength HP Potion, Small MP Potion, Wizard's Wand, Hunter's Bow, Dirk, Weapon Enchant Scroll, Sapphire, Moonlight Crystal

High Turtle – Lvl 9
Small Physical Strength HP Potion, Small MP Potion, Pearl Rings, Pearl Necklaces, Pearl Earrings, Accessories Enchant Scroll, Magic Powder, Oricalchum, Harmel,

Bust – Lvl 4
Small HP Potion, Small MP Potion, Silver Necklace, Hatchet, Spiked Club, Enchant Armor Scroll, Shiny Piece of Orichalcum, Water Seed, Random Box

Rose – Lvl 6
Small Physical Restorative HP Potion, Small Restorative MP Potion, Short Bow, Oak Cane, Weapon Enchant Scroll, Shiny Piece of Obsidian, Water Seed, Random Box

Kusku – Lvl 11
Brandish , Heavy Mace, Accessory Enchant Scroll, Shiny Piece of Serunium, Water Seed, Random Box

Seolkata – Lvl 12
Restorative HP Potion, Restorative Mana Potion, Turtle Shield, Dirk, Hunter's Bow, Wizard's Wand, Enchant Armor Scroll, Shiny Piece of Orichalcum, Water Seed, Random Box

Bambooboo – Lvl 10
Panda Body, Panda Mask, Panda Boots, Panda Gloves , Minor MP Potion, Seed [Level 1]: Flower of Life, Seed [Level 1]: Flower of the Spirit

Rotten Board – Lvl 10 
Chicken Costume Body Piece, Chicken Costume Head Chicken Costume Glove Piece, Chicken Costume Shoe Piece, Minor MP Potion

Leopard – Lvl 10
Small Physical Strength HP Potion, Small MP Potion, Pearl Ring, Pearl Necklace, Pearl Earrings, Weapon Enchant Scroll, Copper Ingots, Moonstone, Rough Diamond

Gnoll - Lvl 11
Lesser physical restorative, restorative Lesser Mana, Broadsword, Hammer, Skull Breaker, Armor Enchant Scroll, Copper Ingots, Fairy Wing 

Kobold – Lvl 12
Lesser Physical Restorative HP Potion, Lesser Restorative Mana Potion, Cavalli Sword, Heavy Tomahawk, Enchant Armor Scroll, Heart Stone, Harmel,

Sharp Gnoll - Lvl 13
Lesser Physical Restorative HP Potion, Lesser Restorative Mana Potion, Staff, Long Bow, Hunting Knives, Armor Enchant Scroll, Mana Stone, Rough Diamonds

Arch Slime - Lvl 13
Restorative Lesser Mana Potion, Small HP Potion of Blessing, Nostrum Case, Accessories Enchant Scroll, Enchant Weapon Scroll, Smaller Smaller Capsules, Recall of the West - Lv 20

Brown Kobold - Lvl 14
Lesser Physical Restorative Potion, Lesser Restorative Mana Potion, Crystal Rings, Crystal Necklace, Crystal Earrings, Enchant Weapon Scroll, Magic Powder, Life Stone

Lizardmen – Lvl 15
Lesser Physical Restorative Potion, Lesser Restorative Mana Potion, Crystal Rings, Crystal Necklace, Crystal Earrings, Weapon Enchant Scroll, Copper Ingots, Stone of Spirit, Harmel

Gepat – Lvl 13
HP Potion, Mana Potion, Dark Leather Gloves, Broadsword, Cavalli sword, Hunting Knives Accessories Enchant Scroll, Shiny Piece of Obsidian, Water Seed, Random Box

Brashi – Lvl 16
Restorative HP Potion, Broadsword, Skull Breaker, Hammer, Weapon Enchant Scroll, Shiny Piece of Serunium , Water Seed, Random Box

Goodfellow - Lvl 17
Slayer’s Hammer, Kobold Costume Boots – 7 days, Cavalli Sword, Kobold Costume Hair – 7 Days, Kobold Costume Body – 7 Days, Enchant Armor Scroll, Shiny Piece of Orichalcum, Water Seed, Blue Box, Kobold Costume Gloves - 7 Days

Abandoned Knoll - Lvl 16
Moderate HP Potion, Moderate MP Potion, Knight's Sword, Dwarven Mace, Steel Axe, Armor Enchant Scroll, Iron Ingots, Ruby, Rough Diamond

Arch Slime - Lvl 17
Large MP Potion, Greater Blessing Potion, Scroll Enchant Weapon, Enchant Armor Scroll, Smaller Smaller Capsules, Recall of the West - Lv 20

Goblin - Lvl 17
Lesser Physical Restorative, Lesser Restorative Mana, Warrior Helmet, Warrior Gauntlets, Claymore, Fullmetal Hand Ax, Accessories Enchant Scroll, cotton Cloth, Emerald, Moonlight Crystal

Red Leopard - Lvl 18
Small HP Potion of Life, Small MP Potion, Mystic Staff, Elven Bow, Kukri, Armor Enchant Scroll, Thin Leather, Aquamarine, Harmel

Goblin Warrior - Lvl 18
Lesser Physical Restorative, Lesser Restorative Mana, Warrior Boots, Mystic Staff, Elven Bow, Kukuri, Accessories Enchant Scroll, Flour, Sapphire, Rough Diamond

Goblin Archer - Lvl 19 
Lesser Physical Restorative, Lesser Restorative Mana, Sleek Hunter Armor, Platinum Rings, Platinum Necklace, Platinum Earrings, Weapon Enchant Scroll, Iron Ingots, Oricalchum, Moonlight Crystal

Brown Bear - Lvl 20
Lesser Physical Restorative, Lesser Restorative Mana, Bearskin belt, Platinum rings, Platinum Necklace, Platinum Earrings, Weapon Enchant Scroll, Thin Leather, Durelin, Rough Diamonds

Goblin Patriarch - Lvl 21
Lesser physical restorative, Lesser Restorative Mana, Smart Shaman Kerchief, Rove's Ckever Sorcerer, Sabre, Morning Star, Heavy Axe, Accessories Enchant Scroll, Flour, Argentum, Moonlight Crystal

Goblin Guard - Lvl 29 
Lesser Physical Restorative, Lesser Restorative Mana, Sleek Hunters, Platinum Rings, Platinum Necklace, Platinum Earrings, Accessories Enchant Scroll, Cotton Cloth, Moonstone, Harmel 


Kylmuris - Lvl 21
High Health Restorative, Greater Restorative Mana, Sword of Berserk, Berserker Shield, Steel Axe, Dwarven Mace, Weapon Enchant Scroll, Shiny Piece of Serunium, High Quality Lithion, Water Seed, Random Box

Ras - Lvl 22 
High Health Restorative, Greater Restorative Mana, Sleek Bow Hunter's, Giant Guard Leather Armor, Claymore, Fullmetal Hand Ax, Giant Club, Enchant Armor Scroll, Shiny Piece of Orichalcum, Water Seed, Random Box

Klulerhorn - Lvl 24 
High Health Restorative, Greater Restorative Mana, Chief Staff, Leather Boots of a Predator, Elven Bow, Mystic Staff, Accessories Enchant Scroll, Shiny Piece of Obsidian, Water Seed, Random Box

ZAKANDIA - Luna Plus

All kinds of Goblins are also found on this map

Black Bear - Lvl 22
Lesser Physical Eestorative, Lesser Restorative Mana, Bearskin Belt, Executioner's Axe, Weapon Enchant Scroll, Animal Skins, Lithion, Harmel

Iron Golem - Lvl 29
Lesser Physical Restorative, Lesser Restorative Mana, Magic Ring, Necklace of Horsepower, Earrings, Weapon Enchant Scroll, Iron Ingot, Ruby, and Sketch: Boots of Berserker


Gyer (black bear boss) - Lvl 25
Greater Physical Restorative, Greater Restorative Mana, Bearskin Belt, Heavy Axe, Morning Star, Weapon Enchant Scroll, Shiny Piece of Serunium, HQ Fairy Wing wings, Water Seed, Random Box

Heis (iron golem boss) - Lvl 32
Major Restorative Fitness, Best Mana Restorative, Golem's Mill, Elven Sword, Breakers, Enchant Armor Scroll, Shiny Piece of Orichalcum, HQ Spirit Stones, Water Seed, Random Box

TARINTUS - Luna Plus

Mimic - Lvl 23
Lesser Physical restorative, Lesser Restorative Mana, Staff of Priests, Composite Bow, Accessories Enchant Scroll, Iron Ingots, Wind Crystal

Zombie - Lvl 24
Lesser Physical restorative, Lesser Restorative Mana, Breath of the Dead, Wisdom Ring, Necklace of Wisdom, Wisdom Earrings, Accessories Enchant Scroll, Fairy Wing, Harmel

Eyebat - Lvl 25

Cursed Zombie - Lvl 26
Lesser Physical restorative, Lesser Restorative Mana, Elven Sword, The Breakers, Graves Digger, Accessories Enchant Scroll, Cotton Cloth, Heartstone, Sketch: Executed Magician's Shoes, Executed Magician's Shoes Piece

Stone Golem - Lvl 27
Lesser Physical restorative, Lesser Restorative Mana, [P] Stone Golem, Jr., Giant Sword, Great Hammer, Great Axe, Accessories Enchant Scroll, Iron Ingots, Mana Stone Sketch: Berserker's Chest Armor, Berserker's Chest Protective Piece

Mandragora - Lvl 27
Lesser Physical Restorative, Minor Mana Restorative, whirlpool orders Rove, cruel Leather Armor, Giant Sword, Great Hammer, Great Axe, Accessories Enchant Scroll, Flour, Life Stone, Sketch: Berserker's Helmet, Berserker's Helmet Pattern

Rotten Mandragora - Lvl 28
Lesser physical restorative, restorative Lesser Mana, the Holy Robe of Blessing, Magician's robe, Wand of Faith, Strengthened Long Bow, meingeoswi, Enchant Armor Scroll, Stone of Spirit, Sketch: Berserker GLoves 

Iron Golem - Lvl 29

Lycanthrope - Lvl 30
Lesser physical restorative, Restorative Lesser Mana, Leather Armor of Beasts, Magic Ring, Enchant Armor Scroll, Thin Leather, Emeralds, Sketch: Great Nature's Leather Armor, Berserker Chest Piece


Kuikui - Lvl 26
Senior Health Restorative, Greater Restorative Mana, Sting, Ax of the Executioner, Skull Slayer, Accessory Enchant Scroll, Shiny Piece of Orichalcum, HQ Heartstone, Water Seed, Box

Sharny - Lvl 27
Greater Health Restorative, restorative Greater Mana, Breath of the Dead, Composite Bow, Priest Wand, Weapon Enchant Scroll, Shiny Piece of Obsidian, HQ Mana Stone, Water Seed, Box

Karas - Lvl 31
Major Restorative Fitness, Best Mana Restorative, Mandragora Roots, Strengthened Long Bow, Staff of Faith, Enchant Armor Scroll, Shiny Piece of Serunium, HQ Lifestone, Water Seed, Box

Kytan - Lvl 33
Major restorative fitness, Best Mana Restorative, Giant Sword, Great Axe, Great Hammer, Accessories Enchant Scroll, Shiny Piece of Obsidiann, HQ Ruby, Water Seed, Box

Wild Red Bear; Health: 534 - lvl 31
Drops: Bear Leather Belt, ruby piece, animal leather piece, Harmel, Flamberge, seed[Lv 2]: flower of the beast, Skull Crusher, Elven Leather Armor, Elven Leather Gloves,Merciless One's Leather ArmorNature Energy's Leather Long BootsSilent Forest's Leather Long Boots

Giant Eyebat; Health: 548 - lvl 32
Drops: fairy's feather, animal leather, strong leather pattern: glove, Divine Robe, seed[Lv 2]: flower of the crystal, Wand of Faith, Silent Forest's Leather GlovesNature Energy's Leather ArmorSilent Forest's Leather ArmorWater God's Shoes, Monster of the integers - Lv 40

Orc; Health: 562 - lvl 33
Drops: low physical strength HP potion, aquamarine, cotton piece, flax cloth, Fighter's Combat Heavy Armor, Plate Gauntlets, Guardian's Combat Boots, Plate Boots, Elven Sword, Bone Breaker, Merciless One's Leather GlovesBear's Bone Breaker

Gargoyle; Health: 572 - lvl 34
Drops: low physical strength HP potion, piece of life stone, iron ore, copper ingot, Plate Armor, Great Hammer, Salvation Combat Heavy ArmorGuardian's Combat Gauntlets,Nature Energy's Leather GlovesDestruction Spell's GlovesElephant's Great Hammer, Monster of the integers - Lv 40

Lava golem; Health: 613 - lvl 35
Drops: Harmel, opal piece, iron ingot, iron mold: ax, Giant Sword, seed[Lv 3]: luminous flower of the mana, Plate Armor, Fighter's Combat Gauntlets, Plate Gauntlets, Salvation Combat Boots, Guardian's Combat Heavy ArmorFurious Storm's Leather Long Boots


Kaires (red bear boss); Health: 6351 - lvl 34
Drops: Rabbit's Leather Helmet, ruby piece, Wiesel, argentum piece, Bearleather Gloves,Deer's Crystal Staff, Sword Breaker, Scout Bow, Crystal Staff, Fox's Sword Breaker,Crocodile's Scout Bow

Mirias (gargoyle boss); Health: 7267 - lvl 37
Drops: Parrot's Leather Helmet, emerald piece, Accesswell, lighting strike crystal piece,Hard Stone Wing ArmorElephant's War Hammer, Rapier, Tabar, War Hammer,Crocodile's RapierCrocodile's Tabar

Doita (lava golem boss); Health: 7387 - lvl 38
Drops: Bear's Hard Leather Helmet, ruby piece, Harmel, Litheon piece, Coyote's Cursed WandRing of the Burning Flames, Stiletto, Cursed Wand, Crocodile's War Sword,Crocodile's Stiletto

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