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DMO soundpack || Make it more Fun to play

Saturday, 16 August 2014

Since the main website is dead now. I think i should share the link of the DMO soundpack here at my blog.Did you know that KDMO's Soundpack is not unlike the GDMO's Soundpack. In KDMO its not muted. But in GDMO its soundpack is set to Mute. 

DMO Newbie 1-90 Leveling Guide

Friday, 15 August 2014

Welcome to my blog. This time I will share my experience of playing DMO so that you get the fastest way to get the highest rank in the DMO (Digimon Masters Online).

This guide is only applicable for New Players (Newbie) .Because they just play it and have limited Option on Lvling.

Front Mission Evolved Requirement

Wednesday, 14 November 2012

Front Mission Evolved

Front Mission Evolved System Requirement

Naval Ops Commander Easy "S" Rank

Monday, 12 November 2012

Naval Ops Commander
Naval Ops Commander
In previous topics I have explained about the "Naval Ops Commander Unlockable". Some of you surely trouble to get rank S. That's because you bring a very strong Navy. Try to bring 3 Light Destroyer A. How to get a Rank "S" are:

Naval OPS Commander Unlockable

Monday, 12 November 2012

Here is Some Of Naval Ops Commander Unlock able
Naval Ops Commander
Naval Ops Commander

How To Get Lots Of Red Orbs in God Of War 2

Sunday, 11 November 2012

This Guide will help you To get  many Red Orbs in the God Of War 2
When you play god of war 2. You must be thinking how to get Red Orbs to increase the level of your weapons and Magic. Now I know how! Here is how!
Gift Of Experience
Gift Of Experience

God Of War 2 Urns Locations

Sunday, 11 November 2012

God Of War 2
God Of War 2

There are seven 'Urns of Power' that can be acquired in God of War II. Once an urn has been obtained, it can then be activated from the status menu during a bonus play game. To start a bonus play game, you must first complete God of War II. Afterwards, select 'New Game' from the main menu and you will be able to start a new game with all of your previous weapon and magic levels intact. Bonus play is only available for the difficulty level you completed the game on or a lower. So if you complete the Game in Normal Mode you can play the Bonus Play on Easy And Normal Mode , And You cann't collect any other Urns because the Urn was turned into Red Orbs .

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